Looking to obtain commercial finance?

As commercial properties are more susceptible to changes in the economy, lenders generally consider these to be a higher-risk investment than residential properties.

While lenders for residential loans clearly state their interest rates, this is often not the case for commercial property loans, for which rates are not always publicised. In fact, terms on the commercial property loan can be subject to negotiation.

For instance, assets including offices and warehouses are seen as “standard commercial properties” because they appeal to a larger pool of tenants, while spaces built for a specific purpose such as hotels and service stations are seen as riskier as potential tenants and buyers are limited to specific industry.

Commercial property loans also have much shorter loan terms of between two and 15 years, compared with the 30-year terms of residential property loans.

Despite all the differences, buying commercial and residential property is virtually the same in one aspect: the settlement process. This is where we shine. We help you through every stage of the process so, come settlement, things are running smoothly for the final signature. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today.


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Lending Enquiries

0408 628 560

General Enquiries
03 9993 9063